A trip down memory lane

My last post was about pictures that are stuck in a defunked computer.  Memories of my little boy when he was born, memories of us being a new family, new beginnings and exciting times.  Luckily, with the help of the internet (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) I have found quite a lot of my most favorite pictures were already saved remotely and for everyone to see.  But this is a relatively new way to store, and retrieve your memories.

When I was a child, pictures/photographs were in slide format.  I have fond recollections of us all sitting around as a family while my dad put on a slide show for us to watch.  I’ve not seen any of those pictures for years.  Times move on and even my dad now owns a digital camera and my mum actually asked for “a frame thing to put on the piano, where the pictures change by themselves” (aka – digital picture frame) at Christmas.  Things are changing all of the time and I think that’s the reason we are all almost obsessively storing pictures, memories and even feelings.

I try to think back to my first memories as a child and they are fuzzy at best. I seem to remember things rather than specific events.  I’m not sure if the events that I do remember are slimmed down versions of what people have told me over time or whether it is a real personal memory brought to the surface from the depths of my 40 year old consciousness.

I don’t like doing lists of things on blogs, it feels often out of place.  But today it feels appropriate and rather than share just one event, I have listed just a few of those memories that have stuck with me over the test of time.  You may even find yourself relating and remembering them too.

I remember, straws being made of paper and the end sticking together after getting wet so they didn’t work any more.
I remember, going to see Father Christmas in the Co-Op at Harlow and getting a set of paints as a gift.
I remember, being told that there was a boy in the garden who would eat my dinner if I refused it yet again.
I remember, tinned peaches being a bit of a treat and tasting a whole lot better than they do now.
I remember, having chickens, a rabbit and guinea pig.
I remember, absolutely hating having my hair washed.
I remember, digging in the garden looking for dinosaur bones.
I remember, hating the taste of orange and pineapple flavored squash. In fact I still do.
I remember, having the original Wheebles and thinking they were marvelous!
I remember, my first roller skates were ones that fitted over your shoes.
I remember, things in the supermarket being priced with ½ pennies and not being able to wait to get home so that I could stick the Green Shield stamps in mum’s stamp book.
I remember, watching Captain Caveman, Fingermouse and Bagpus and even recall Andy Pandy in black and white.
I remember, that when the little plastic stopper that prevented air escaping from my armbands came off, my dad sticking bits of twig into the hole to try and fix the problem.

I remember all of these things and as I’m writing them down I’m smiling and even giggling slightly.  They are good memories and they are my memories.

