Cooking with Toddlers

I really used to enjoy cooking. I still do enjoy cooking actually. What I don’t enjoy is a little person hanging off my leg asking to sit on the kitchen work surface and “help”. I am perhaps doing TT a slight injustice here as he isn’t bad at “helping” really. But there are those times when you just want to get the job done and he’s there offering his “help” persistently until you give in.

“Mummy, I sit down please”
“Mummy, I see!”
“Mummy, I try!”

And again, “I sit down, I see, I try”….

We have done cooking though and we did have fun doing it. Cakes, pizzas, vegetable chopping, sauce making and spaghetti bolognaise.

This weekend we made muffin pizzas which I had never thought of and actually found on Pinterest. When I said to people what I was thinking of doing, I was thinking it was a new and exciting idea! But everyone I mentioned it to seemed to already know about this and it appeared that I had arrived very late to the muffin pizza party.

I chopped the muffins, and put grated cheese and passatta and sweet corn in bowls for TT to put on the muffins which he did with only me helping to spread the tomato on. They looked great and I think both of us were proud of the the result.

This was until I put them in the oven and burned them.

Attempt 2.0 turned out just fine though and TT ate one whole muffin (two halves)!